Justice for Shweyga: Appeal to World Conscience!
IDEA Viewpoint
September 3, 2011
The world has now testified the gruesome and horrendous criminality of the Gaddafi family. The poor Ethiopian lady, Shweyga Mullah, found herself in Dante�s Inferno in Tripoli. Her crime: for refusing to beat a crying child! And for this, she paid the ultimate price of being burned by hot water, poured on her entire body � head to toe � by a sadistic and cruel monster by the name Aline Skaf, the wife of Hannibal, Gaddafi�s son.
The barbaric act committed by Aline against Shweyga is crime against humanity, and other crimes of similar nature, including burning maids and nannies with hot water and executing political prisoners, was the shocking revelation that humanity encountered this week in Libya.
The Institute of Development and Education for Africa (IDEA) appeals to the world conscience so that justice could be served on behalf of Shweyga. We at IDEA could not fathom the deplorable crime committed by the crass Aline, and we strongly believe that her deeds goes against all powers of reason, moral principles, broader human interest, and history.
We further appeal to the International Criminal Court (ICC) to seriously consider prosecuting brutal criminals like Aline. We understand that the ICC is an independent court governed by the Rome Statute and one of its objectives is �to help end impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community.� It is in light of this objective, thus, that we appeal to the ICC to see to it the crimes committed by the Gaddafi regime against the people of Libya in general and the case of Shweyga in particular.
A long time ago, a Moor, an African from Tunisia, by the name Ibn Khaldun said, �Government is an institution which prevents injustice other than such as it commits itself.� Ibn Khaldun was born in the first quarter of the 14th century and died at the turn of the 15th century, and what he then said is strikingly relevant to present-day Libya. The Gaddafi regime, contrary to preventing injustice actually committed injustice against humanity.
It is against the above backdrop that IDEA presented a viewpoint entitled �International Intervention and Support of the Libyan Opposition is A Moral Imperative� back in March 2011. www.africanidea.org/Libyan_opposition.html. The message the Viewpoint wanted to convey then was that tyranny must end and the people of Libya deserve to enjoy freedom and justice. It is in the same vein that we now ask justice for Shweyga.
IDEA extends sympathy to Shweyga Mullah, who is now recovering in the hospital and being taken care of by the good Libyan doctors. IDEA also likes to use this opportunity to extend its deepest gratitude to the good Libyan doctors and the freedom fighters (not rebels) that are on the verge of establishing a new, just, and democratic Libya.
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