Special Love for Assimba:
Psychological Catharsis for 'Kahsay
Abraha Besrat'
Asayehgn Desta, Sarlo Distinguished
Professor Sustainable Economic Development
January 4, 2014, I drove from
San Rafael to Oakland, California, for about
forty-five minutes to have a get-together dinner
with one of my best friends, Kidane Haile and
learn more about the innovative projects that he
is undertaking in Kenya, Nigeria and Morocco. In
the course of our discussion, the owner of the
restaurant came and showed us a book entitled “Ya Assimba Fekere” or My Special Love for Assimba.” When
I saw the title of the book from a distance, I
asked the owner of the restaurant if she could
sell a copy of the book to me. I wanted to buy and
read the book because I had heard very good
informal comments from my friends about the book
when comparing it with the confession given by the
late Berhane Meskel Redda, Secretary General of
the Ethiopian People Revolutionary Party (EPRP) to
the ruthless and dictatorial military rule (Derge)
of Ethiopia. I
thought Kahasay’s book, “Ya
Assimba Fekere,”
hereafter referred to as “A
Special Love for Assimba,” would give me
another firsthand
account of the guerrilla war that went on between
the Derge and the
Ethiopian People Revolutionary Army (EPRA) which
headquartered the training of its army in Assimba,
Tigrai, Ethiopia.
Initially, I found the content
of the book and the flow of the paragraphs very
inspirational, effortless and smooth. So, I became
fixed on the book and read it, starting at 7:00 pm
on Saturday and completing it at 5:00 pm on
Roughly, the content of Kahsay’s
autobiography gives a description of: 1) how the
author became involved with the EPRA, 2) his
prodigious valor in the guerrilla warfare
movement, and 3) some of the positive social
catharsis and rejuvenation he created to bring
peace of mind to himself.
Having been the director of
the Agazi Secondary School, I can testify that the
town of Adigrate was a renowned place for the
development of various types of movements. It was
a vital place for the creation of Ethiopian
student movements led by Dawit Seyoum, Tselote
Heskias and his associates. The town of Adigrate
also fostered the mushrooming of the Eritrean
Seven Association (Mahber Shaw’ate), led by
Baraki Gebre Selassie and his Eritrean
Given the geo-political environment of the
town of Adigrate and the solid convictions of the
Agazi Secondary School students, I was not
surprised to know how Kahasy (hereafter
referred as the author) became a prodigy and a
dedicated proponent of the
Ethiopian student movements that originated in the
1960s . For example, in 1969 when I was the
Director of the Agazi Secondary School, it was
Dawit Seyuom who, while undertaking Ethiopian
University Service, worked day and night to raise
the political and revolutionary consciousness of
the students and at times to mobilize the masses. To
be more specific, it is possible to assume that
the author might have subconsciously become an
admirer of the Ethiopian student movement
philosophies after he encountered Dawit Seyoum at
the Zalambasa, while there to play soccer against
the Zalambasa teachers.
addition, while at the Agazi Secondary school, as
the author claims, he was formally socialized
politically by a number of the Ethiopian
University students who were in Adigrate to visit
their families during school vacations.
More precisely, the author claims that he
was more galvanized when he learnt about the “Land
to the Tiller” issue raised by Ethiopian
university students in 1965. Actually, “Land
to the Tiller” penetrated the author’s
thinking because he grew up in Zalembasa, a town
known for bordering many wars where different
views were entrenched. In addition, being the son
of a farmer, the author had first-hand experiences
with the conditions of oppressed farmers in his
region. In short, as the author described it, the
farmers living in that part of the country were
forced to live with atrocities, oppression and
exploitation by absent landlords whose feudalism
was entrenched with exploitative force.
By a stroke of luck in
1971, the
author was imprisoned by the military because the
Agazi School students indulged in a violent
demonstration that called for not only the
toppling of Haile Selassie’s corrupt feudal
government but also demanded
that the various nationalities in Ethiopia be
allowed to have inalienable rights to exercise
their self-determined liberation.
Nevertheless, realizing that the only way to
bring substantial change to Ethiopia was to be
involved in an armed struggle, in 1975, the
author, under a nom de guerre, joined
Ammanuel and
became a member of the Ethiopian People
Revolutionary Army, an arm of EPRP, that had its
operating headquarters in Assimba. Assimba
was chosen to be the headquarters for armed
struggle of the Ethiopian People Revolutionary
Party because of its gorgeous rural landscape and
its proximity to Eritrea where another war for
independence was going on. With a well thought-out
clandestine strategy in mind, the forefathers of
the EPRP would dismantle the oppressive military
force that was terrorizing Ethiopia and eventually
seize political power.
After heavy indoctrination
with the communistic political lessons that he was
learning, the author started feeling comfortable
even though such teaching was at variance with his
orthodox Christian upbringing. He
became very skilled with some of the military
lessons given to him by the senior cadre of the
EPRA. Initially,
the author was stationed as a guard. In
the course of time, the author took everything as
a challenge and fared well under conditions of
stress. Because of his whole-hearted devotion to
the armed struggle, he was able to survive thanks
to Salemawit, his “attorney”, though his
comrades filed a baseless political smear against
him stating that he was a narrow nationalist.
Though the author was instructed by his
vanguard party to be constantly vigilant against
his enemies, he was able to survive at the Robit
(in Wello) battleground and was able to return in
peace to Assimba, because of the basic trust the
author acquired from his parents and religious
upbringing. Therefore, contrary to the teaching of
guerilla tactics and the guiding ideology of the
Party, he was guided by his common sense and
background. This
enabled him to make peace with the government’s
militia, “Yemar Negussi,” who could have
killed him instantly. Because he was able to
survive, he was overwhelmed by a sudden emotional
experience to love and adore one of my former
students (i.e., when I was the Director of Woldi
Secondary School in Wello), the courageous and
highly disciplined “Delay Menala.”
The author was at that time an emotional
virgin until he fell in love with Delay. Thus,
from the author’s description, the memories of
Delay, Yemar Negusi, the battle of Wekro, and the
deaths of a number of his friends from terrifying
incidents, have shaped his life’s legacy. In
order to remove his disillusionment with the EPRP,
the author underwent a major catharsis, became a
well-disciplined pharmacist, and has written this
very instructive book.
To summarize, after enduring the Party’s
top-down order, and its various forms of internal
strife or schisms (university diploma carriers vs.
high school guerrilla fighters, the suspicions of
fighters because of their ethnicity, urban
guerrilla warfare vs rural-based movements, etc.),
I am glad to note that the author was very
cautions not to criticize his comrades or to fault
the EPRP. Most
probably, due to his love for the party or feeling
that these factors could be better synthesized by
prolific writers such as Dr. Ghelawdewos
Araia etc,
I am very glad that the author did not
enter into controversial issues or begin narrating
to his readers the objective and subjective needs
for the utilization of an effective guerilla
warfare. We all know that the wars have
contributed to the disappearance of the brightest
young Ethiopians, and have destroyed the
livelihoods and lives of many Ethiopians.
Actually, I am very happy to read, learn, and
reflect on Kahsay’s book,
Special Love for Assimba” because: 1) the
author has honestly, sincerely, and eloquently,
described the wars that occurred between the
inhuman military junta and the EPRA; 2) to entice
his readers, the author begins each chapter in the
book with highly relevant quotations (poems)
written by well-known persons; 3) the book moves
the reader along easily from one section to the
next; 4) the author has tried his best to make the
book readable, using simple words and easy to
understand sentences. Finally, I would like to
thank the author for allowing me to recall some of
my former students and colleagues who courageously
fought to emancipate Ethiopia from the atrocities
of the Military Junta, and for making me clearly
visualize and appreciate all the places (Adigrate,
Adwa, and Woldei, Kobo, Alamata etc) where I have
worked and which have contributed to my
transformation. So,
Kahsay, to me, you are an architect of change.